Walkthrough steps 3-6 for iOS - Appsembler

Walkthrough steps 3-6 for iOS

Here is a detailed walkthrough that explains steps 3-6 of the Life cycle of a mobile app from coding to release, for iOS.

  • Internal release
    • The idea behind this step is to release the app for our Internal testers at Appsembler to check the app in the test flight 
      • Login to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com and click on My Apps
      • Choose the client and version (Staging for staging server, Production for the production server and Wild production is for new features developed but not pushed to the prod app)
      • Click on TestFlight tab and on right panel choose the internal tester group from TESTERS & GROUPS
        • To add new tester click on + sign in front of Testers(#)
        • To release a build for testers click on Builds tab and choose the build version
  • External release
    • The idea behind this step is to release the app for our External testers (non-appsembler users normally customers testers)
      • Login to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com and click on My Apps
      • Choose the client and version (Staging for staging server, Production for the production server and Wild production is for new features developed but not pushed to the prod app)
      • Click on TestFlight tab and on right panel choose the internal tester group from TESTERS & GROUPS
      • To add new tester click on + sign in front of Testers(#)
      • To release a build for testers click on Builds tab and choose the build version
  • Release notes
    • Appsembler developer updates the customer-facing Release notes doc to include the list of changes.
    • When we add new build we can add release note there based on this doc Release notes doc