Embedding Virtual Labs into your website - Appsembler

Embedding Virtual Labs into your website

Did you know that you can embed Appsembler’s Virtual Labs in systems other than Tahoe? Our preference, and the best course learning experience, is to launch labs from within a Tahoe / Open edX course. But this other approach is available if you have another LMS, or you want to embed a course launcher from within a CMS or website.

Please note that in this scenario, your costs may increase if you don’t control limits. Within a Tahoe course, you can limit labs to enrolled learners. In this scenario, you will have to set limits on the number of labs at the Project level within the Virtual Labs dashboard.

We also recommend that if you’re using both approaches (the Container Launcher XBlock in Tahoe / Open edX and the HTML embed), you set up a separate project for each, rather than re-using the same project in both scenarios.

This document assumes that you’ve already created a Project from an Image.

1. Go to the Projects tab of your Virtual Labs dashboard.

2. For the Project you want, click on the </> in the bottom-left corner of the Project’s card.

3. Choose to integrate with either Option 1: Email on Form or Option 2: No Email

Option 1 will prompt the user for an email address that will be associated with the lab. Option 2 does not require an email address. We use the email address to associate the user back to their container, so if you have longer-running labs, it’s best to use the “Email on Form” option, so we can always get the lab back to the learner.  

4. Paste the copied code into your website or LMS

The embedded code contains everything needed for the learner to launch a lab.