Talking points for Progress Indicators (aka Completion Tracking) (Hawthorn) - Appsembler

Talking points for Progress Indicators (aka Completion Tracking) (Hawthorn)

Talking points for Progress Indicators (aka Completion Tracking)

• We were excited about the “Progress Indicators” in Hawthorn, which provide green checkmarks as visible indicators of progress
• These appear both on the navigation bar next to each completed unit, and next to units in the course outline view
• During the Hawthorn upgrade, we IDed a bug in the implementation of the feature, and are leaving the feature disabled until we can fix it.
• We are not considering this feature a blocker to the upgrade, so we’ll upgrade and then fix.
• We have not yet identified a fix, so we don’t have an effort estimate. However, enabling this feature is one of our top priorities as soon as the upgrade goes live.