Tahoe Studio & LMS User Guide - Appsembler

Tahoe Studio & LMS User Guide

Setting up your course 

You will use the Studio course-building tool for most of the course setup tasks. The Content, Settings, and Tools sections below map directly to the dropdown menu you'll see along the top of your course in Studio. 


Much of your course planning will take place outside of Studio. You'll want to map out your course content and flow before you begin building it.

Courseware structure

Understanding staff roles

Course template

3 important things to know about new courses

Preventing student enrollment


Creating a course Pages (adding custom pages)

Controlling the visibility of your Wiki

Files & Uploads




Schedule & Details


Change pace

Start / Enrollment Dates (see #2 in article)

About Page

Course card image

Requirements – doc coming soon

Prerequisite courses

Estimated effort – doc coming soon

Course content licensing and copyright


Set up grading policy and assignment types

Configuring graded content

Course team

Adding Team members to your course (via Studio)

Adding Team members to your course (via LMS)


Enable certificates for Tahoe site (*must have site admin rights to access)

Setup certificates for specific courses

Overriding certificate properties

Advanced settings

Note: This is only a few of the many, many settings here. Please be careful with these!
Change a course name
Hide a course from the catalog
Change course organization display name
Change displayed course number
Make a course invite-only
Enable timed exams
Use prerequisite subsections to gate content


Importing and exporting courses

Enabling and creating cohorts

Providing different content to cohorts of students via content groups

Moving students from one cohort to another

Using learner Teams 

Adding course content

You will use Studio for most of the course building tasks in this section (unless otherwise noted.)

Course Components


WYSIWYG editor – doc coming soon Raw HTML editor (note: must use this to float images) – doc coming soon


Font awesome icons

Inserting equations


Adding videos

Adding subtitles to videos

Generating captions and transcripts


Adding problems

Checkbox problems

Dropdown problems

Multiple choice problems

Drag and Drop exercises

Problem hints

Adaptive feedback

Add images to a problem

Set allowed problem attempts

Show or hide problem answers

Show or hide subsection and assessment results

Randomize answer order

Using content libraries to randomized problems

Importing and exporting content libraries


Managing course-wide general discussions

Monitoring tips

Add a moderator

Minimize thread proliferation


Open Response Assessment (ORA)

Allow students to upload files to ORA



Available XBlocks on Tahoe

Enabling XBlocks


Embedding Google docs

LTI Consumer (for displaying 3rd party content)   – H5P

–  Zoom

Other topics

Using course search features

Reindexing the content of your course (for searching)

Linking to a specific unit within your course

Embedding a Google slideshow

Embedding a Powerpoint slideshow

Adding a Surveymonkey survey

Creating multi-lingual courses

Deleting a user account

Course testing / preparing for launch:

Some of these tasks occur in Studio, and others (like enrollment) will be performed on your Learning Management System site.

Course launch checklist

Enrollment (beta testers)

Enrollment (learners)

Unenrolling (learners)

Registering site Users

Managing your live course

At this point, your course is live in your LMS, with enrolled learners taking your course. The tasks here will happen on your Learning Management System site.

Problem and exam management

Downloading responses to a specific problem in Open edX

Viewing and interpreting a learner's submission history

Changing a learner's problem score

Resetting problem attempts for Open edX students 

Retrieving submissions from the FreeTextResponse XBlock

Reset a timed exam

Open Response Assessments (ORA) management

Managing ORAs

Grading ORAs Allowing students to upload files to ORAs

Reporting and tracking

View as staff vs. learner

Creating and downloading grade reports

Viewing student profile information and reports

Analytics with Appsembler Figures (*must have site admin rights to access)


Requesting certificates as an Open edX student

Cleanup after a completed course

What happens after our course is over? You'll manage these steps in Studio.

Archiving a course

Restricting access to and hiding a course