2019 April Tahoe Release Notes - Appsembler

2019 April Tahoe Release Notes

Date: April 16, 2019


New Features


Figures, our reporting application, is finally here! It gives you visibility into enrollment, active users, and how your learners are progressing through courses.

Check it out today by going to Tahoe’s management console and clicking on the “Figures” link in the upper right.

Over the coming months, we’ll be rolling out improvements:

  • Course progress charts / learner engagement metrics
  • Customizable, downloadable reports
  • Documented APIs so you can pull the data out into other systems

We want to hear from you — reach out to your Customer Success Manager with ideas you have for how we can improve Figures.

If you’re interested in getting involved in the development of Figures, go here: https://github.com/appsembler/figures