Reporting on Learner Progress in Figures - Appsembler

Reporting on Learner Progress in Figures

Want to see how all of your learners are progressing through courses, across your site? How about just a subset of those learners? Then check out the Learner Progress Overview!

Note: The Figures reporting tool is only visible to users with site admin privileges and who are logged into the LMS. 

Learner Progress Overview is a learner-level report within
Figures that helps you understand how learners are progressing. You can filter by learners or courses, and once you have the data you need, you can download it as a CSV file. 

Learner Progress Overview report

Once you are logged into the LMS and viewing your Figures page, you’ll see a Learners Progress Overview link at the top of the page.

Learner Progress Overview in Figures dashborad

On the Learner Progress Overview page, you can filter by one or more courses, sort by email or username, or combine the two (users + courses) for a more granular view.

Learner Progress overview demo gif

Once you’ve got the view you need, simply click the Generate a CSV from Current View button and the report will be downloaded to your computer’s default download folder.

Learner Progress Overview Generate CSV button


Why isn’t anything showing?

You need to add some courses to the filter before it’ll start showing you some data! Start typing in the filter box to find your courses.

What does it all mean?

While using the Learner Progress Overview and its reports, you’ll see a few metrics that may not make sense at first glance. Two of these (Sections and Progress) measure interactive content only. Here’s what that means:

  • Interactive content =  All Problem type, plus the XBlocks that require user input ( Poll, Survey, Completion, SGA, ORA, Peer instruction)
    • HTML Text components and Videos are NOT interactive, so completed work on these components is NOT counted in this metric.

Here’s the questions that these metrics answer at the time of writing:

  • Sections – How many course sections containing interactive content has the learner interacted with? (This is currently displayed at the section level, and we hope to show increased granularity in the future.)
  • Points – Out of total points that are available in the course, how many has the learner earned
  • Progress – What percentage of the course’s interactive content has the learner interacted with? 

It’s important to note that Progress isn’t a measure of the learner’s grade percentage. Instead, it’s measuring how much interactive content the learner has interacted with, correctly or incorrectly. If a learner gets a problem wrong, they’ve still interacted with that content, so you can use the Progress metric as a measure of whether a learner has accessed the entire course or not. To put it another way, a learner can get a score of 0 points while having a Progress stat of 100%. This indicates that they’ve tried everything, but didn’t get anything right. Let’s hope that never happens!

Why does the Learner Progress Overview report a different number of sections or points available between different learners?

This typically occurs if a course is changed at some point while live. The metrics that you see for each learner will be as they were the last time the learner accessed any of the content. Here’s the most common circumstances in which this occurs:

  1. A course goes live, and Learner A is first in line to complete it all. He completes all 5 sections of the course, and earns 20 points out of the 20 available.
  2. The course team realizes there’s an issue with the course, and they add or un-hide an extra section which contains an extra quiz.
  3. Learner B completes the course, and earns 27 points out of the 30 available. She logs progress in all 6 sections of the course.

The result of this is that in the learner progress overview, Learner A will say 5/5 sections, 20/20 points and 100% progress. Learner B will say 6/6 sections, 27/30 points, 100% progress. Both of these records are technically correct – when they last interacted with the course, those were the correct totals to compare against at the time. This may look weird, but it’s a good indicator of who hasn’t interacted with your course recently. If Learner A comes back and interacts with your course, his score will immediately update to 5/6 sections, 20/30 points with a lower progress percentage, as he’s missing that new section.

This will only happen in the event of significant changes being made to your course’s grading and structure after learners have started studying.