Remove course prerequisite requirements - Appsembler

Remove course prerequisite requirements

There is a bug in Open edX that is preventing Studio from communicating to Django Admin when a user
unsets a course prerequisite. We’re working on fixing it. 

Symptoms a user is encountering this problem:

  • Student users who have enrolled in the course cannot see the “View Course” button for the course when it is in their dashboard.
  • Admin users can access the course, but as soon as they choose “View Course as: Student,” any courseware page redirects the user back out to the Dashboard.
  • If all other requirements are met (course launch, visibility, etc) and the problem persists, it’s almost certainly this issue.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Navigate to https://[CUSTOMER_LMS_URL]/admin/milestones/coursemilestone/
  2. Find something that looks like course-v1:UW+PYTHON220+2018_Spring:requires:course-v1:UW+PYTHON220+2018_Spring
    1. The first course ID should be the course that the users are having trouble accessing.
  3. Click on that requirement
  4. Uncheck the “Active” checkbox.
  5. Click Save