Pointing a Tahoe site at Virtual Labs - Appsembler

Pointing a Tahoe site at Virtual Labs


As of Tahoe 2.0, this doc no longer applies. In order to properly integrate a Tahoe site with AVL these days…

  • Go to Dashboard as a super-admin
  • Org Settings > Turn on AVL Integration feature flag
  • Go to Integrations
  • Turn on and add Launch container AVL instance URL

Before Virtual Labs can be used on a Tahoe site, Open edX has to know where its Virtual Labs site is. Otherwise, it won’t be able to find any projects.

Note: if the cluster’s URL changes (because it’s gained a custom domain or similar) you need to do this again.

In this example, we’re going to point a site at the avl-trial cluster.

First, go to the site configuration menu in Django on tahoe.appsembler.com. This is 
https://tahoe.appsembler.com/admin/site_configuration/siteconfiguration/ if you want to skip straight there, or you can head to /admin and find it in the following menu:

You then need to find the entry for the site you want to modify. At the time of writing, I’m doing this for one of Ildi’s sites, so I’ll search and pick it from the list.

In the Values box on the next screen, scroll down to the bottom. You’ll see one of the following things:

Example A: Site name is not set

In this case, the values end with 


Which we modify as follows:


after the curled brace following “honor”:true, we add a comma. This tells it that we’re not done yet. on the next line, we add


This is the URL of our Virtual Labs site, followed by /isc/newdeploy. 

For example:

This makes it look like this:

Example B: Site name is set

Occasionally, a site name will be set here. I’m honestly not sure why at the time of writing. This slightly changes the formatting for our new addition:

In this case, all we need to do is add a comma after the platform_name, and add the same line as before:

Example C: Wharf URL already exists

The easiest case, if there’s already a value for LAUNCHCONTAINER_WHARF_URL, you simply change the value to what you’d like to use instead. So taking the image above as a starting point, all we’d need to do would be to change


