Life cycle of a mobile app from coding to release - Appsembler

Life cycle of a mobile app from coding to release

This article is for internal purposes to describe the various steps involved into releasing a new version of the mobile apps.

  1. Mobile developer codes the app
  2. Mobile Developer uploads the app
    1. Mobile developer uploads the app to the App Store’s Appsembler account and releases to internal testers.
    2. Mobile developer also uploads the app to the App Store’s ASU account, so that it’s already there in prep of step 4. 
  3. Internal release
    1. Appsembler developer creates a version in the App Store (Appsembler account — TestFlight for Apple allows for 25 internal testers max) and submits the app for review to Apple or Google (with an empty BetaApp review Testers list). App status becomes “Waiting for review”
    2. Apple or Google processes and approves the app. Status becomes Approved? (Google) or Testing (Apple). Appsembler testers receive notifications that the build is available for testing.
    3. Internal Acceptance: based on the release notes available, testers check the apps. 
  4. External release
    1. Once all apps have been internally approved, Appsembler developer adds ASU testers to the apps. Status becomes “Waiting for Review” until Apple approves. iOS testers will automatically receive notification emails that the build is available for testing. For Android, the link to the build will need to be sent manually via email to the testers.
    2. External acceptance: ASU testers test the apps.
  5. Release notes
    1. Appsembler developer updates the customer-facing Release notes doc to include the list of changes.
  6. Release officially to the App Store in ASU’s account (see Publishing articles for iOS and Android)
    1. Appsembler developer creates a version in the App Store (ASU account) and submits the app for review to Apple or Google. App status becomes “Waiting for review”
    2. Apple or Google processes and approves the app. ASU can now press “Publish” to make the app live in the App Store.

Detailed walkthrough are available at: