Intercom Mass Messaging - Appsembler

Intercom Mass Messaging

So you want to send a big one-time blast because something’s happening on Tahoe. Here’s how.

  1. Go to Messaging – Manual Messaging
  2. Click New manual message (at top right).
  3. Select your channel. (Note: If Tahoe is down, you will need to choose Email, as In-app messages will not be helpful.) We do not currently use the Push channel.
  4. Enter a short title for your message. (See previously sent messages for ideas of what to use.)
  5. Click anywhere in the message compose area to see your send options (they will appear at left.)
  6. Choose a from person (for outages, we usually choose Harry Klein – it’s more ‘official-sounding’.)
  7. For Replies assigned to choose Unassigned.
  8. Leave email template set to Plain.
  9. Click in the message compose area to write your message (you may need to click immediately after the comma in the message body, and press enter, to start typing.)
  10. In Choose Your Audience, add a new rule such as by Segment: Customers in order to email ONLY the users in that segment.

    1. Default choice should be Segment is CustomersOR– Segment is Current Trials 
      Note: when you add this, you need to manually change it from ‘and’ to ‘or’.

    IMPORTANT!! NEVER email all users without filtering.

  11. Click Done (in Choose Your Audience section.)
  12. Click back in the email compose area to see your options at right.
  13. Under Test Message, click Send a test email. Enter your email address and send it to yourself, just to make sure everything looks good.
  14. If all is good with the test email, click Set Your Message Live.
  15. Double-check that the number of users (recipients) is what you are expecting.

  16. If all is still good, click the green Send and Set Live button.