How to publish an iOS app to the store (after a developer has uploaded it) - Appsembler

How to publish an iOS app to the store (after a developer has uploaded it)


Go to and login as (see lastpass) and make sure your team is Arizona State University. 

Tap “My Apps” to open the list of apps. 

Tap “Get Your Edge” to open the ASU CSET production app. “App Store” should be the tab that is open. 

Tap “+ Version or Platform” and select “iOS” (not TViOS) and type in the next version number without the build number.

Tap Create. You should now see this version as “Prepare for Submission”. Screenshots and other information should be populated in the view.

Open the external release notes for ASU. Those are here: Go to the “App Store Release Notes” for this month’s release and copy the note for iOS. 

Copy this and paste it into the App Store Connect tab under “What’s new in this version”. Then press save.

Press “Build +” to select the version uploaded by your developer for release this month. 

Choose the latest upload of this version of the app. In this instance there is one build (build number 3). In your case there could be more. Pick the latest or the one specified by your developer if it’s not the latest. Then press done. Then press save.

Make sure that “Version Release” is set to “Manual”. Then press “Submit for Review”.

You will likely see this next. We do not use IDFA. Press no then press submit.

You should now see your build is “Waiting for Review”.

Ask Valerie (as tech lead for ASU) (or Harry as CS lead for ASU if Valerie is out of town) to notify the customer that the build has been submitted on iOS and will be ready for them to press “Publish” within 24 hours. 

Link to iOS publishing screen recording is here.