How to Change a Tahoe Subscription Tier or Extend a Tahoe Trial - Appsembler

How to Change a Tahoe Subscription Tier or Extend a Tahoe Trial

This article can be used for changing a Tahoe subscription tier or for extending a trial’s expiration date. 

  • To extend a trial, only make. the change specified in step #5 below, do not change the tier name.
  • If a trial has moved to a subscription or upgraded to a higher tier, make the changes in both steps #4 and #5 below. (When a Tahoe subscriber moves from Trial to a paid subscription, it is imperative to change their status ASAP.)
  • If we are allowing Pro or Premium features on a trial, just make the change in #4 below, do not change the expiration date.

1.Go to

2. Search for organization name (Note: if you don’t know the organization name and have the user name, you can go to and search for the user. You’ll see their organization listed. Then return to and search for the organization. Once you’ve found it, move to step 3.)

3. Select the organization
4. Change tier name from the drop down menu.
5. Set Expiration Date by selecting contract sign date minus one day in the next year. For example, if contract was signed on January 4, 2018 expiration date is January 3, 2019
6. Save
Here is a 
video for those visual learners amongst us.