Hijack a User in Tahoe - Appsembler

Hijack a User in Tahoe

Sometimes it is necessary to view a Tahoe site in AMC as if you are a specific user. This is referred to as hijacking the user.

There are, confusingly, three places you might want to Hijack the user, and each has a separate workflow, since we don’t have single-sign-on:

  • AMC 
  • Tahoe LMS
  • Tahoe Studio

The most well-documented hijacking path here (with screenshots and all) is the AMC hijacking route.


In this case, you want to see AMC as the user sees it.

To do so, go to this link:


Select the user you wish to hijack:

In this case, we are hijacking CLTurner by clicking Hijack CLTurner in the right most column resulting in this screen:


Please remember to release the User by clicking on the release link in the upper right hand corner when you are finished with your support effort.

Tahoe LMS

In this case, you want to see the LMS as the user sees it.

  1. Go to the customer’s LMS. This might be a .tahoe.appsembler.com site or it might be a custom domain, like learn.pepfar.net. This is important. You can go to tahoe.appsembler.com/admin and log in, but all of the hijack links will fail. You need to go to the customer’s URL.
  2. Append “/admin/auth/user/” to the end of the base URL, and log into the admin using your Tahoe admin credentials
  3. Find your user and Hijack them.
  4. Do your support investigation.
  5. IMPORTANT!!! Please remember to release the User by clicking on the release link in the upper right hand corner when you are finished with your support effort.

Tahoe Studio

In this case, you need to see what a course author sees in Studio.

  1. Go to https://studio.tahoe.appsembler.com/admin/auth/user/ (note that all Tahoe sites use the same Studio URL)
  2. Find your user and Hijack them.
  3. Do your support investigation.
  4. IMPORTANT BUT DIFFERENT THAN THE ABOVE!!! You won’t get the handy hijack bar in Studio, so you’ll need to click on this link right afterwards to un-hijack the user: https://studio.tahoe.appsembler.com/hijack/release-hijack/