Generating an authtoken for Tahoe API users - Appsembler

Generating an authtoken for Tahoe API users


Because of the dropdown from hell it is impossible and will completley lock your browser window.

Ask @REDHELP instead.

  1. Go to the customer LMS django admin page – Found at [LMS-URL].com/admin
  2. Scroll to the Authtokens section and click Tokens authtokensShortcut: Go to [LMS-URL].com/admin/authtoken/token/
  3. Click Add Token +add token
  4. Use the User dropdown list to select the user for whom you want to generate the authtoken – this will either be the main point of contact for the customer organization or a dummy user the customer has set up for this purpose. If you’re unsure, check with the customer how they’d like to proceed.

    This dropdown list is VERY long. Once it opens, type the LMS username of your user, and it should take you to it in the dropdown.
  1. Click Save click save
  2. You’ll now be taken back to the previous page. The new authtoken is now underneath the Key heading of the table you see. This is what you will SECURELY send to the customer. Use ShareFile or Keybase.