Enabling self-generated HTML certs for Tahoe customers - Appsembler

Enabling self-generated HTML certs for Tahoe customers

At the moment, Tahoe customers can’t enable self-generated HTML certificates on their own sites. This is because the Certificates tab of the Instructor Dashboard is only visible to superusers. Until Red Team creates a fix for this, it’s up to us to help our customers out. Here’s how it’s done. 

This is a course-by-course setting.

  1. This is a course-by-course setting. Make sure you know what course you’re turning these on for. This info should come from the customer.
  2. Go to that course in the LMS. 
  3. Click on Instructor to access the Instructor Dashboard.
  4. Click Certificates (Note: If you don’t see the Certificates tab, it means it has not yet been enabled on the Django Admin side. Check out this doc for how to do that.)
  5. Click Enable Student-Generated Certificates 
  6. That’s it! You’re done.

If you see a screen like the one below, it means that the customer has not yet enabled certificates from the Management Console.  

If you see a screen like the one below, it means that the courses is set to Self-Paced. At the time of this writing (April 19, 2018), we are still investigating whether or not this means students are able to generate their own certificates without us flipping a switch on the backend.