Enable custom domains tab on a Tahoe site - Appsembler

Enable custom domains tab on a Tahoe site

  1. Head into django admin Waffle Flag on AMC-App
  2. Select custom_domains_interface
  3. Scroll down to Users and click the spyglass icon next to the field

  4. Find the admin user on the Tahoe site you want to enable it for and click their username
  5. Save the waffle flag settings

Please note – the custom domains feature is enabled on a *per user* basis. If, for example, a customer has both a training and marketing team member working on the site, we may need to grant custom domain access to one or both. Be sure to ask customer if this is the case. We do this to avoid the case where anyone who gets added as a user in AMC, could change the domain name settings for the site.

There’s also a screen capture video of this process here: https://www.loom.com/share/12cae7b7bc424efa83257ffafe538429