Draft Email For New Ficus Users - Appsembler

Draft Email For New Ficus Users

Please bookmark our knowledge base – http://help.appsembler.com/. You’ll find several “how to” articles and links to YouTube videos. Two areas that might be of immediate interest include:

Please bookmark the Open edX documentation page – https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-building-and-running-a-course/en/open-release-ficus.master/. It’s a tad overwhelming but can be an excellent resource. I caution you to be certain when you are reading Open edX documentation that:

  1. You are reading documentation for Open edX Ficus edition
  2. You are NOT reading documentation for edX, the platform hosted by edX.org. Open edX and edX are updated on different schedules and not everything that is added to edX makes its way into Open edX