What languages does Tahoe support? - Appsembler

What languages does Tahoe support?

Supported Languages

The currently supported languages are listed below. These are languages that are available to Tahoe Pro and Premium customers:

  • English
  • French (Canada)
  • Japanese
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)

To learn more about how exactly these languages translate, and about internationalization in Tahoe, check out this article.

What does “supported” mean?

When we say these languages are supported, we mean that we have vetted them, confirmed that they are functional on all parts of Tahoe, and contain very few missing parts/mistranslations. In the event that one of those missing pieces is found, we commit to working with you to improve the translation.

If you find errors in a translation, please contact support@appsembler.com.

Will we be adding more languages?

There are currently no plans to add additional supported languages. However, our feature roadmap is fluid and subject to change based on what we hear from our customers. Compelling use cases and needs are great ways to influence the features on the Appsembler roadmap.