Communication process for Tahoe outages & widespread systems issues - Appsembler

Communication process for Tahoe outages & widespread systems issues

Something’s majorly wrong? Use our status page and Intercom mass messaging to get the word

In the case of widespread issues or outages that impact a large amount of users, we need to communicate quickly, clearly, and as transparently as possible. This article outlines the high-level process for reaching as many users as possible with news of our current status.

1. Gather the details 

The engineering team should be able to provide a few sentences describing the current situation, the status level (investigating, identified, monitoring, resolved), and the severity (partial outage, major outage, degraded performance, under maintenance, operational).

2. Update the Appsembler status page

Follow the steps in this article:
Note: You can learn more about our status page from our customer-facing help doc: Understanding the Appsembler Status Page

3. Contact users via Intercom mass email messaging

Follow the steps in this article:

4. Follow up, follow up, follow up

Either keep an eye on the situation yourself, or find someone else who can. We need to be prepared to update the status page (and users if needed) as soon as possible when things change.