Changing the color of your site header in Tahoe - Appsembler

Changing the color of your site header in Tahoe

Changing the color of your header in Tahoe is simple. 

  1. From the management console, click on LMS Header and Footer in the left-hand navigation bar. 
  2. Scroll down to Navbar color scheme
  3. Here you have two options: White or Brand color. Choose the option you prefer. You can see that as soon as you choose each option, the preview of your header underneath Header navigation type changes to reflect your selection. 
  4. If you wish to change your brand color, you can do so in the Appearance settings section of Tahoe. 
  5. If you wish to keep your brand color but override it in your sites header with a different color, simply scroll further down on the LMS Header and Footer page until you reach Header basic style settings.
  6. Find the Header background color option and click on the eyedropper icon. 
  7. Use the color-chooser to select a color you prefer. You can also type in the HEX# or rgb code for your color. 
  8. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.