Adding Images to Course About Page - Appsembler

Adding Images to Course About Page

Adding your photo to the Course summary page can be done by taking the following steps in Studio:

Step 1: 
Upload your photo to your course by following the instructions provided at
Then make sure to copy the Studio URL for your photo, which would be something like /static/images/placeholder-faculty.png.

Step 2: 
Edit the Course Overview (HTML) by going to the Settings > Schedule & Details menu (as explained in In the Course Overview HTML editing box, add the HTML code to display your photo.

For example, at the very bottom of the existing HTML code you could copy and paste the following HTML code:
<img src=”/static/images/placeholder-faculty.png” align=”left” alt=”Course Staff Image #1″>

Make sure to replace /static/images/placeholder-faculty.png by the Studio URL you copied in Step1. 

Step 3.
Save the changes by clicking Save at the bottom of the screen.
Then go back to the LMS and view the About page of your course.