Add an Existing Studio/LMS User to the AMC Site Admins - Appsembler

Add an Existing Studio/LMS User to the AMC Site Admins

The Problem

When a customer tries to add an existing learner, or a Tahoe Studio staff to AMC, it (AMC) complains that the user already exists and fails to add the proper permissions and AMC account for it.

It’s a bug in AMC, we have to fix it (no Jira task yet).

Current Workaround

  1. Locate the user in the LMS ( to get the user information e.g.
  2. Create a new AMC user ( with the same exact username (MHaton) and email
  3. Set a random password to the user to test the account
    • Tip: Use LastPass to generate a strong password
  4. Go to the AMC organizations admin ( and locate the needed organization e.g. Delta Rook
  5. Find the user using the search bar (marker no. 1 in the picture) click on it as shown in (marker no. 2) and click the add arrow (marker no. 3) afterward the username should appear in the list on the left (marker no. 4)
  6. Save the organization
  7. Now we need to reset the AMC tokens for the user as described in this spinning cube article.
  8. Now try to login as the user in AMC, it should work fine.
  9. Once that’s completed, ask the user to reset their password in AMC (sample text below)

Finally, you will need to give them course creator rights.

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the user.
  3. Click on the user
  4. Change State to Granted
  5. Click Save

And remind them that they will need to be added as a course admins to individual courses.

 I’ve gotten <USER> added to the admin mgmt console (AMC) part of Tahoe.(There’s a bug that won’t let you add someone already in the LMS as a Tahoe site admin – but we have a workaround.)

<USER> will need to reset their AMC password to match their LMS/Studio one. They can do that here:

And then try logging in here:

Just let us know if you need more help!