Adding a Tahoe administrator - Appsembler

Adding a Tahoe administrator

IMPORTANT: You must create Tahoe Admins via the steps below. If new Tahoe admins already have accounts on your site, please contact support.

Adding Tahoe admin users is different than adding an instructor to your courses, or enrolling learners, or even adding course staff. Tahoe admin users have full access to your Management Console, which allows them to change the look and feel of your site and edit content just like you.

When you add a Tahoe admin user, however, that new user will also be given a Staff account in Open edX.

From your AMC Dashboard, click on “User Management” on the sidebar 

Click the “Add New User” Button

Add the relevant user information, then click Invite User. That’s it! The new user will receive an email inviting them to your site. After they click Activate, they will set their password, and then you’re all set!