Send LMS/AMC activation link for learners and customers - Appsembler

Send LMS/AMC activation link for learners and customers

If a user can’t find their activation link, the easiest way to get it for them is to go through one of the two methods below.

Security Alert

Please beware of phishing attacks in which a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers.

If the email look suspicious, please double check whether the email match or just as on #security Slack channel if in doubt.

Admin panel

The AMC Admin

The LMS Admin

The Django shell


from django.contrib.auth.modles import User

from student.models import Registration

user = User.objects.get(email=’’)

reg = Registration.objects.filter(



Not sure what to do if there’s more than one Registration object. Is that possible???

Take the value from reg.activation_key and construct the link as follows


providing that link to the user should allow them to activate their account.