2020 February 19 Tahoe Release Notes - Appsembler

2020 February 19 Tahoe Release Notes

Tahoe "2020-Feb-19" Release


  • When learners receive the account activation email after registration, the from email address will now display as courses@appsembler.com. This is a first step towards allowing you to customize your own sending addresses, as the old one looked more than a little bit spammy.
  • Fixed an issue from a future version with problems incorrectly displaying their answers to learners in order to stop you from ever having to deal with that problem in the future. People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.


  • Drag and Drop XBlock: There was a white void displacing the editor to the bottom, which sometimes obstructed the “Add Item“ button. We made it go away.


  • Users API: Now you can filter a user by email, this allows you to get info about a user without knowing their user ID and also allows you to check if a user exists based on the email. It doesn’t let you force them to actually sit down and learn something, but hey – baby steps.