2019 November 13 Tahoe Release Notes - Appsembler

2019 November 13 Tahoe Release Notes

Tahoe "2019-Nov-13" Release

Management Console

  • Feature teasers: Features only available on Pro and Premium Tahoe tiers are now displayed to all admins (with a lock icon). When the admin clicks on them, they will see info about the feature, including on which tier it’s available and a direct link to reach us for more info.
  • BI Connector (Business Intelligence Connector; Tahoe Premium feature): Tahoe admins can set a Segment key in the management console, rather than having to ask our support team do to so. Once they set the key, they can start receiving Open edX events in their Segment account (as a Segment source) for routing to other destinations.
  • Fixed default value for the color of the copyright in the footer. Previously, the default value would cause an error. Now it’s set to #787280 by default.


  • Learner Dashboard search is now working on Tahoe! This search looks for terms inside all courses in which the learner is enrolled, making it easier to find content in current and archived courses.
  • Instructor dashboard: Hide certificate tab if certificates aren’t enabled.
  • We fixed a bug that was deleting OAuth tokens (used for Management Console / LMS integration) when the user requested a password reset.
  • After a user registers and activates their account, a success message is displayed.


  • We fixed a bug that was causing random errors when the user inserted a second image in the HTML component.


  • Fixed send_activation_email parameter normalization.