Appsembler Tahoe Pro: Engage Learners With Seamless Training

Introducing Tahoe Pro: Engage Your Learners With Seamless Training Experiences

We pride ourselves on listening to our customers.

Listening to our customers’ feedback is the reason why Appsembler was built in 2013, and why we still exist today (5 years is a long time in startup years!). And, it’s a big reason for why we happily remain a fully bootstrapped company.

Streamlining the delivery of online learning

Our customers have long told us that they wanted a streamlined and simpler way to deliver online learning so that they can focus on what truly matters: their learners. Traditional methods (in-person classroom training, webinars, powerpoints) and alternative LMS platforms were not meeting their learners’ and course authors’ needs.

They wanted to tap into the power of the learner-centric Open edX platform, without having to actually worry about the challenges associated with hosting Open edX themselves.

And so, the Appsembler team went to work.

Introducing Tahoe Pro

Almost one year ago, we unveiled Tahoe, our customer training software, to make it easier for trainers and learning professionals to quickly build Open edX-powered sites, create courses, and deliver incredible learning experiences. With Tahoe, we also took care of the hosting, management, and maintenance, so that our customers could focus solely on course creation.

With Tahoe’s one-year mark coming up, I’d like to thank our customers for helping us build a better product.

And to celebrate, I’m excited to officially announce the launch of Tahoe Pro.

Why Tahoe Pro?

Our customers told us that they wanted a training platform that was essentially a direct extension of their brand. Doing so would further streamline the experience for their learners so they can keep them more engaged with course content.

Tahoe Pro includes these more robust features to help learning professionals deliver seamless, powerful, and scalable learning experiences.

New Features on Tahoe Pro

Custom Domains

Providing learners with a branded URL to access course content is one of the easiest ways to build your company’s brand, engage learners, and develop a consistent user experience. Not to mention, having a custom domain can help boost your organization’s searchability on the internet, while providing a seamless way for learners to find, revisit, and share all of the great courses on your site. With this feature, Tahoe Pro customers can now easily update their URL from:


Now each time a learner accesses your course, the URL instantly greets and orients the visitor with your unique brand and learning experience.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication service that lets your learners sign in just once to your company’s central identity provider to securely and easily gain access to your courses. And because your company’s existing identity provider is enabling the authentication process, administrators don’t have to worry about managing multiple applications like Open edX. With this feature, Tahoe Pro customers will be able to leverage powerful integrations like Okta, OneLogin, AuthO, PingIdentity, GSuite and more, streamline management, and simplify logins for users across their entire learning ecosystem.

Dedicated Course Author Training

When it comes to designing courses, there is always a risk that the learners will be forgotten and as a result – course content will suffer in substance, effectiveness and overall engagement. That’s why we’ve created a complete course author template that comes out of the box with your Tahoe account.

Learn from seasoned Open edX experts how to build a completely learner-centric course from naming conventions and problem types, to course layout and content configuration. This shell contains best practices to help you build a course with Open edX that your learners will love.

Better Support

At the end of the day, it’s all about taking care of you, our customers. That’s why we’ve invested in tools to meet you wherever you are in the customer journey. From implementing live chat on both the Appsembler website and platform, to expanding our knowledge base resource library, to extending support coverage, empowering you with actionable (and essential) tools is paramount to creating an amazing learning partnership.

Over to you

Credit for these new features on Tahoe Pro goes to our customers – particularly our partners at Cybereason, who have been vocal about our product roadmap since Day 1.

If you have any questions, just leave us a comment, or you can request a live demo with our team. We’re excited for what’s next, and we’d love to hear what you think!